
Normanton-on-SoarPrimary School

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Robin class

Welcome to Robins!



Our Year 4/5 team includes: Mr Fisher, Mrs Howard and Mrs Allen


Please look at the below pages for useful links and information about what we are up to currently!


Welcome to the final few weeks of the Summer term!

Updated: 08.07.24


In the final weeks, we will be finishing off our maths objectives by looking at measurement and how to convert between different units. We will also have the chance to revise key written methods before the summer.


In English, we are so close to finish our class book, 'Holes' and have managed to write a balanced argument to show whether children should be sent to Camp Green Lake. The children have enjoyed this book immensely and have been so engaged with the storyline and characters. We hope to watch the film at some point in the last few weeks!








Summer 1


This half term we will be having P.E on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On Tuesday, we will complete a unit on Tennis.

On Wednesday, we will have our Forest School sessions.




In English, we will be looking at the book, The Nowhere Emporium and creating our own mystery stories based on it!


In maths, we will complete our unit on decimal numbers and then begin to look at money, time and statistics.



Mr Fisher










This week, we have been applying our written methods within maths by looking at how to multiply 3 digit and 4 digit numbers by 2 digits. 

In English, we have continued to look at the Malfeasance poem and started to construct our own narrative poems based on the creature!


Across other subjects, we have continued to look at the Romans in History, studied the Jewish weekly celebration of Shabbat and constructed our own food chains and food webs in Science.

Brazil Travel Brochures



Hi all! A quick update and hope you have all had an amazing half term - I am looking forward to finding out what you have all been up to.


About the first few weeks back after half term:

  • We will begin to look at our topic of South America - researching specific animals and talking alot about the Amazon Rainforest!
  • In English, we will be looking at non-fiction texts and producing our own factfile about Brazil, then moving on to creating our own travel brochures about South America.
  • In maths, we will begin to look at all four operations and develop our understanding and fluency of written methods. We will then apply our understanding to a range of word problems.


As we move through this half term, I will update this page with some more exciting information about the units we are looking at up until Christmas.


See you all soon,


Mr Fisher









Another great week in Robins has flown by! We had the chance this week to visit the Library Bus and pick out some new books to read back in class. See below for a few pictures.


In English, we continued finishing our Stone Age adventures by including some short sentences to create tension in our writing when we were hunting for fish! In maths, we have continued to look at place value and compare and order larger numbers - in some cases even up to 7 digits!


In other curriculum subjects, we have continued to look at skeletons in science - specifically looking at muscles and their use. We have talked about communities in RSHE and have continued our swimming sessions at East Leake.


Wishing you all a great weekend and see you all on Monday!


Mr Fisher







This week we have started to become used to our new weekly timetables and the children had the chance to experience their first swimming session on Monday which they all thoroughly enjoyed.

We have focussed on our place value skills in maths, identifying numbers up to 7-digits and even looking at a number of tricky SATs style problems.

In English, we have started our pieces of written work based on the Stone Age Boy and writing passages for our own adventure story. We have looked at included a number of complex sentences along with adjectives and adverbs in our writing.

In P.E we were introduced to a balancing session and in History we have started to look at artefacts from the Stone Age and discussed how they might have been used.


A busy week, so have a relaxing weekend and see you on Monday!


Mr Fisher





Wow! An amazing first few days back and it has been great seeing all the children getting back into routine so quickly. Although it has been ever so warm, we have managed to get outside to practice our Daily Mile around the field. The children are so enthused and have completed so many miles already for our total to help us travel around the world.


In maths, we have covered Roman Numerals up to 100 and have started to look at the Stone Age ready for our first full week back next week. Lots of facts and figures have been shared and we can't wait to start our topic work and create our own Stone Age cave within school! Watch this space!


Until then have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mr Fisher
