The whole school voted for a Prime Minister and MPs.
They meet at least once per half term.
They are responsible for listening to and feeding back to a named teacher how they think the school could be improved.
Meet your pupil parliament 2024-25
Why Have a School Parliament?
There are lots of reasons...
Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.
Our parliament provides a meaningful way in which our pupils can voice their opinions
Our Parliament roles provide an excellent way in which to increase participation, teaching our children about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.
Our Pupil Parliament was formed to give our students a forum to speak and to ensure their voice is heard. The parliament is a democratically elected group of pupils who represent their peers and enable students to become partners in their own education, making a positive contribution to the school environment and ethos. We actively promote pupil independence and leadership opportunities with the aim of developing valuable leadership, communication and organisation skills. Pupils relish the opportunity to become a greater part of our school life.
Prime Minister
James Y6
Deputy Minister
Elizabeth Y6
Class MPs
Megan Y5
Daisy Y4
Naomi Y4
Florence Y2
Albie Y1
REC to be chosen in Spring Term
What do we do?
Mr Fisher regularly meets with Pupil Parliament to discuss issues raised by classes and other important areas.
The members have different roles and responsibilities with our Prime Minister setting the agenda, leading the meetings and minuting all matters discussed.
All elected MPs are involved in the development of their curriculum area and they feedback pupils' views to the Deputy and Prime Minister.
Actions from each meeting are shared with the rest of the school on a regular basis.
At NOS, pupils have an opportunity to suggest changes to school life. Being a Member of Parliament leaves pupils with a real understanding of corporate responsibility and to impact on their behaviour both in and out of school.
It is an important and useful way for our school to provide leadership and development opportunities for their pupils.