
Normanton-on-SoarPrimary School

Soaring High Together

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Our School Vision "Soaring High Together"

Our vision is to develop and nurture the academic and emotional intelligence of all children by providing them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.


Ultimately our curriculum is intended to:

  • Develop our head: What we learn (our national primary curriculum)
  • Develop our moral compass: What we believe is right and wrong (British Values, PHSE and RE)
  • Develop our character: How we fit in the world (resilience, independence and teamwork)


At Normanton we endeavor to impart knowledge and skills that allow our pupils to get ahead in education and life.  We encourage our children to question and be inquisitive, to be kind and understand the diversity of the society we live in. In essence we want young men and women who can find their place in the world and enter it with confidence and kindness.


The school prides itself on our values - we encourage each child in our care to:

  • Forgive others
  • Work as a  team
  • Show resilience
  • Be helpful and kind
  • Be curious
  • Be creative


 Our Aims – our pupils will:


  • Be motivated to reach high personal standards across the curriculum
  • Understand how to engage in effective learning
  • Be able to make informed choices to develop and maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit
  • Have positive self esteem / pride in themselves and be confident in what they can achieve
  • Be flexible and adaptable when questioning and embracing our evolving world
  • Have the skills to learn productively both independently and as part of a team
  • Be respectful and responsible individuals who make positive contributions to the world around them


Our Mission – we will provide:


  • A rich, varied and broad curriculum which is relevant and exciting to all our pupils.
  • Inspirational teaching which incorporates creative activities and investigative / problem solving approaches to learning
  • An enriching and stimulating programme of visits, visitors and extra curricular activities
  • Stimulating learning environments which are well researched, interactive and provide access to technologies
  • A success culture based upon support, praise, encouragement and challenge to reach high personal standards
  • An ethos of respect and responsibility to others and the environment
  • Encourage and foster effective communication and partnership between school, home and the community


We work hard to make sure that our children are happy, well supported and play their part in school life. We are a good school where everyone succeeds.



School Improvement Plan 2022-2023
