
Normanton-on-SoarPrimary School

Soaring High Together

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Our School Vision "Soaring High Together"


Normanton-on-Soar is a small school with high aspirations for all.


Our motto is “Soaring High Together” and this embodies our ethos where we welcome and support all pupils.


We use this to provide learning opportunities that enable all children to succeed.  We believe that it is our responsibility to meet the needs of our learners and not for the learner to meet the needs of the school.

Our vision is to enable all of our children to soar high.

The school prides itself on our values - we encourage each child in our care to show:

  • Teamwork – I work and play well with others
  • Resilience – I try my best
  • Kindness and helpfulness – I care for others
  • Curiosity – I ask questions
  • Creativity – I have good ideas
  • Forgiveness – I accept responsibility for my own actions/ I say sorry if I need to


We provide:

A curriculum which is led by our love of nature and the outdoors.  We provide regular opportunities for the children to use our forest school area to enhance their learning. 

Our wonderful locality, immersed in nature and next to the powerful River Soar.

Safe spaces for our children to grow and learn.

Knowledge and skills that allow our pupils to get ahead in education and life. 

Quality texts we support our children to understand the diversity of the society in which we live.

Encouragement to question and be inquisitive

We work hard to make sure that our children are happy, well supported and able to fully play their part in school life.


Our pupils will:

Be motivated to reach high personal standards across the curriculum

Understand how to engage in effective learning through STAR

Be able to make informed choices to develop and maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit

Have positive self esteem / pride in themselves and be confident in what they can achieve

Be flexible and adaptable when questioning

Have the skills to learn productively both independently and as part of a team

Be respectful and responsible individuals who make positive contributions to the world around them
